About Us

Innovation of Wood

Our Story

jan 2018

New Management

New management entirely focused on Commerce and Customer Service
sep 2015


The patent for the use or nanotechnology was required in October, in regards to formulating ecological wood.
aug 2014


The industrial scale was reached due to the factory’s expansion.
oct 2012


The formula of 70% wood and 30% plastic is obtained and adopted.
fev 2011


Commercial activities started along with the operational production for the market.
nov 2010

Madeplast Product

After two years of research, the product MADEPLAST is developed. The first patent of the product is filed in the USA and Brazil.
jan 2008


MADEPLAST was born in Positivo University, in Curitiba- PR.

MADEPLAST valorizes Brazil by generating income for its economy and by investing in the research and the development of a product made with Brazilian technology and manufactured within the country.

The factory, located at the Mandirituba district, in the Metropolitan region of Curitiba, has a total area of 60 thousand m2 and a modern and sustainable infrastructure, with closed-loops equipment to save up to 99% of water and 95% of electricity while producing. Our woods are unique and are composed of:

Some numbers from Madeplast
Prêmio Madeplast de Madeira Ecológica/ Madeira Plastificada
Prêmio Madeplast de Madeira Ecológica/ Madeira Plastificada
Prêmio Madeplast de Madeira Ecológica/ Madeira Plastificada
Prêmio Madeplast de Madeira Ecológica/ Madeira Plastificada
Prêmio Madeplast de Madeira Ecológica/ Madeira Plastificada
Prêmio Madeplast de Madeira Ecológica/ Madeira Plastificada







Innovating the way of
using wood, for more
than 10 years

Our company is focused on the production of an extractive wood substitute, technically known as plasticized wood, commercially known as eco wood. MADEPLAST is part of a group of companies that had its origins in the forestry branch. The experience of years in the market sharpened the desire of one of its investors to develop an innovative product, to substitute conventional wood, with high durability, and that at the same time would utilize the residues from wood itself as raw material. That’s when MADEPLAST was created, in 2008 from an idea conceived at the Positivo University, in Curitiba.
Providing the market with plasticized wood’s products and goods, by using wood’s leftovers and plastic residues, contributing to the decrease the environmental liability.
Innovation, Sustainability, Respect, Discipline, Quality
Being recognized as the main industry for products and goods, within the market of eco-friendly wood.

Socioenvironmental commitment

Based on the NBR ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 norms, MADEPLAST adopted the following as its Environmental and Health Policy and Occupational Safety, being committed with:

  • Meeting the legal environmental requirements, for health and occupational safety, and other requirements subscripted by the organization;
  • Continuous improvement of the environmental management system, health and occupational safety, by assessing and monitoring activities, products and services as well as stablishing and reviewing its objectives and goals;
  • The rational use of natural resources for the productive process;
  • Using processes, practices and equipment that minimize and prevent occupational diseases, personal damage, pulition and incidentes;
  • The promotion of consciousness and commitment from its collaborators, for them to act responsibly in regards to environmental, health and occupational matters;

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